I Found I phones, Rings and gold under the water

You guys ready for an original AquaChigger River treasure adventure I sure do hope so because you know what? I just went on one and I did fantastic! Why don't you jump in the water, watch the video, and meet me right back here, and I'll show you what I found. 

These are our- finds all together in one pile. That was an amazing day right there. We've got three phones. Poor little iPhone here in this bag got flooded. That's- It's very unusual for these bags to flood. Of course these no doubt they're flooded. 

Have a cool watch, don't know if that's gonna be a good one. I don't know anything about watches Says it is an Armani Exchange. I like the name, Armani. I don't know if that's gonna be you know actually worth anything though One pocket knife, got some Ray-Bans, got one really good pair. I'll be wearing those I guarantee.

 A couple not so good But just tons of sunglasses- Oh the jewelry can't forget the jewelry check this stuff out! This is the best one by far This appears to be gold and diamonds look at the sparkle on that bad boy Wife's gonna love that That's probably not worth much but it's interesting. A couple of little ones. I thought I actually had another one, but maybe I lost it already And there it is! It was actually right there the whole time.

 That's a cute little thing that's a stone Obviously it's real. It's not a perfect stone And I like that one too But this is going to be the one that takes the cake. We will test those diamonds when we get home. So- Oh maybe the watch too.

I almost forgot this gold ring too - I think this is one the first ones we found I'm guaranteeing that's gold. I don't know how many carats, but it's really heavy. That's a beauty right there. I hope you enjoyed that little adventure, and I want you to join me again. 

I'll try not to stare into the Sun next time. We'll see ya, and don't forget, though I'd never said it in the video: Hold your breath! She'll shake the coins from your pocket. Take your gold chain and your locket for the earth has no sympathy She'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity 

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