Metal Detector Part 2

Just like the firstvideo, each dude will travel to their ownlocation and metal detect for treasure. May the
 best find win. Today is Metal Detector 2. Woo. It's time to detect. We're at the lakegoing island hopping, and we're finding treasures. The adventure starts now. You'll see where we'regoing when we get there. Eli, take us airborne. Welcome to my backyard.  I'm in the great state ofColorado because I'm going big. Ladies and gentlemen,I'm going for gold.  Chad, get over here. Sometimes the best finds,you don't even have to bury. Just have to find it. There's no rulebookfor Metal Detector 2, so I am going to finda family heirloom. More specifically, mywife's wedding ring. We're here at a worldrenowned water sports complex where thousands and thousandsand thousands of people come every summer. I'm going to go ahead andcall this a guaranteed win. So I decided to take the SeaDoo out to a deserted island. There is no thrillthan when you are metal detecting inan uncharted area and you hear that first beep. OK. A great start. Have a personalizedgrill top propane tank. First island, first find. Kept looking for beeps, andwe got a lot of bottle caps. Bottle cap. Bottle cap number two, baby. Bottle cap. All right. Here's the ring. Shouldn't take me too long. Let's metal detect.  When I'm looking for gold, Iwant to learn from the best. That's why I brought in Jerry. He is a contract miner. He's going to be givingus a little tour. If this was the firstmetal detector battle, I mean, I get it. But this is a sequel. This is a second one. I decided to go big. [ROCK FALLS] What just happened? I don't know. I literally thinka rock just fell. Day started good. Decided to comedown into the mine. This is a first, and I like it. Cory, I heard, isgoing to a gold mine. The lazy river is the gold mine. First find of the day lighter,busted headphone cord. Not amazing, obviously,but every time you can add an item to yourfinal list, that's treasure. Chad. Oh, look over-- oh mygosh, we just found a well. My heart is poundingout of my chest. Oh. I have an idea. Let me see if I havea rope in the back. I don't know whatwe're going to do if we hear a beep down there. Check this out.  [BEEP]  We got something, baby. We've got a metal strap. $2, $3 at a localhardware store. I think something that, ifI'm being completely honest with you guys, scared me alittle bit were all the signs.  Couple of days ago,there was a big cave in so this wholearea here was covered with two great big rocks. Here's the thing,guys, treasure hunters have to know when topass and when to go. A lot of spiders,probably a lot of snakes, and potentially The Ring girl. So we're going to move on. We just had astorm come through. I think it's actuallyheaded west towards Ty. That's coming right for us. And that falls under theheavy and extreme category.  What a beautiful day. We're headed toisland number two. Checked out the mine, gotthis pretty sweet rock. We're going to go up top, hitthe stream, use our detector, and pan for gold. Started detecting, had reallygood energy at that point. But reality set in. I'm finding cans, thatlittle screw thing, rebar, a curved piece of metal. Fail after fail after fail.  It's a phone. I love this place. Let's head to the creek bottom. Woah, that's cold. We're just finding trash,garbage, cleaning up after humanity in this creek. At the bottom-- I say bottomphysically, emotionally. We were at the bottom. This has just turned into a nogood, very bad treasure hunt. Jerry, tell me if I'm wrong. Nope, it's a piece of mica. No. No, Jerry. Just flaking apart. Gold won't do that.  Cut the camera. [BEEP] [THUNDER CRASHES] OK. Time to go. Have we lost our minds? This is no longerabout treasure hunting. This is about survival. Near-death experiencesbring people together, and that's why Chad and I willhave a forever brother bond. [HANDS CLAP] That's going to be a powerfulmoment on camera right there. This was so dumb. [SCREAMING] [BIRDS CHIRPING] Not bad. Hold on. This is it. [SCREAMING]  Honestly, not a bad necklace. I don't know what itis, but I found it. I am the king ofthe metal detector.  All right. It's time to find a ring. That's weird. I thought it wouldbe right there. You know, it's at this pointthat a lot of treasure hunters would probably call it quits. Not this treasure hunterand his partner, Chad. We got out there and wefound the best treasure of the entire day. Maybe the entire video.  Pretty big hole to find a nail. Piece of wire. [BEEP] Probably another nail. And Chad nailed it. I say that not knowing what theother guys have found, yeah. It's got to be top five, though. 100% top five. For the sake of the video,I hope the other guys are finding some treasure. After panning for I don't knowhow long, I found something. Let it do all themedium to hard work, then we come down here and-- oh my god. This is gold. Where? Point it out. Oh, oh. Oh my god. Jerry, get over here. Oh my god. Jerry. Did I just find gold? Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's a little-- theycall that a picker. Yes, I found a picker. Why? Because I can pick it out? You can pick itup with your hand. Because I can pick it up. Woo. We found gold.  Just sharing a peanutbutter cracker like friends. Just get here quick, man. Sun's going down. Minute that beepwent off, my heart knew that that was somethingbig and worth something. Oh, my. VHF marine transmitter. Kind of a weird hobby, but,hey, it pays off some times. Yee-haw. My second big find of the day. I'm not going to freak out againthis time, but that's gold. And I'm thinking whatwe do is we add it to my collection right here. This is not detectableby a metal detector, but the judge, hopefully,will respect it. Looks like a decoration,like a pendant or a badge. An old grandfather clock piece. Metal shark tooth. Never thought I'd findsomething like that. Search this part of the yard. You're looking fora wedding ring.  It's, I don't know. A small missile? Could be worth millions. I'm starting to feel likeMetal Detector Battle 2 is in the bag. I just found a bullet. Do you think that'swhat that is? The stories that thatbullet could tell. We're bringing back somedarn good treasures, and I'm pretty proud of them. My wife's going to kill me. After searching, each Dudereturns home for judging. Gentlemen, welcome home. Hope you enjoyed yourdetecting as much as I did. Just like last time, we havebrought in a PMD, Professional Metal Detector. Wow. Ladies and gentlemen, let meintroduce you to Mr. Milliger.  Mr. Milliger, thankyou for joining us. How long have you been a PMD? It was a callingsince I was born. Anyways. I say we take our seatsand let the judging begin. Starting with one,there was a lot of effort put intothis right here. Quantity is not always better. I mean, it could be a huge sharktooth, a heavy shark tooth. Not sure. Two, not doing so great. I'm not a geologist, so haveno idea what rock this is. And this group can'tbe used, either. And it might be gold. Like I said, I'mnot a geologist. Four has an oldiPhone, cross necklace. That's definitely goingto go up on my list. Walkie-talkie, propane. Whoever brought this in notcapped, that's a fire hazard. After my professionalassessment, number two, I think you're disqualified. [CLAPPING] When you guys are done, I needy'all to head to my house. I've got to find mywife's wedding ring. Oh my god. [LAUGHTER] No. Hey, you dirty scoundrel. Wrap this up quick. For fourth place, I'mgoing with number four. [CLAPPING] See yourself out ofthe treasure room. What if it's a realdiamond earring? It's not. It's definitely not. See yourself out ofthe treasure room. I see the effort,but number one's a because there's no value. No value. I'm sorry. You forget aboutthe leaf pendant. You didn't even pick this up. It looks like ametal shark tooth. It does. That's what I said. [LAUGHTER] OK. So as much as I hope andwish that this is gold-- I am just not sure-- andI love working stuff, the winner of MetalDetecting 2 is number five. Boom. Are you kidding me? That's gold. That's real solid gold. I flew to Colorado. This works great. Add some batteries. Yeah, absolutely. Party favor. It's not my honor, orprivilege, enjoyment, whatever. Here you go. Metal Detector 2. One clap. That's all it gets. By the way, PMD, Mr. Milliger,is blown away by the fact that Cory actually found gold. Too late to change it. Thanks for watching. If you're notalready a subscriber, click down here so you don'tmiss out on any new videos. Summer tour. If you've not got yourtickets yet, July and August, half the shows arealready sold out. Click here for your tickets. Also, if you want to see thelast video, click right here. Signing off for now. Pound it. Noggin. See ya. 

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